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Meet the heroes standing up for Israel in an Irish sea of hostility

The JC hears from Ireland’s advocates for the Jewish state

June 20, 2024 15:55
Demonstrators gather at the pro-Israel rally in Dublin on 26 May, 2024, the first such rally in Ireland since just after October 7. (Photo: Leah Farrell, Photocall Ireland)
7 min read

On a torrentially rainy day in late May, nearly 1,000 people gathered outside St Stephen’s Green in Dublin to wave a flag that has become implicitly prohibited in the land of 1,000 welcomes.

The demonstrators, made up of Irish and non-Irish, Jews and non-Jews, were not deterred by Ireland’s recent declaration that it would recognise a Palestinian state, nor by the baying counter-protesters – carrying a sign reading “Zionists out of Ireland” – who awaited them outside Leinster House.

Ireland has historically favoured Palestine in its conflicts with Israel. It was the first EU nation to endorse the establishment of a Palestinian state in 1980, and has leaned further in that direction since October 7.

From Ireland’s support for South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice to its official recognition of Palestinian statehood last month, the country appears to be unanimously anti-Israel – politicians, grassroots groups and national media outlets alike. And with a recent poll finding that a whopping 71 per cent of Irish people believe that Israel is imposing a system of apartheid on Palestinians, you would be excused for overlooking the minority of Irish voices daring to advocate for the Jewish state.

