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Jews and slavery: the myths and the truth

Widespread concern over anti-black racism has led some to regurgitate an old lie: that Jews were dominant in the slave trade

July 17, 2020 10:55
Engraving from 1619 showing the arrival of a Dutch slave ship at Jamestown, Virginia

ByDavid Aberbach, BY david aberbach

4 min read

One of the most pernicious antisemitic libels in recent years has been the allegation of Jewish dominance in the Atlantic slave trade and in the enslavement of Africans in the New World. There is concern that the Black Lives Matter movement is influenced to some degree by these false beliefs.

As in all forms of antisemitism, there is a kernel of truth here: a small minority of slave traders and owners were Jews; the Hebrew Bible and Talmud accept slavery as a fact of life; and the Bible, especially in the King James translation, was widely used to justify slavery and imperialism. Also, Judaism never developed an abolitionist movement: the first such movement began in England in the late 18th century.

Yet, it could be argued, justly, that Judaism is intrinsically an abolitionist religion.

Ancient cultures saw slavery from the owner’s view, as normal; the Bible tends to see mass slavery in Egypt and Mesopotamia from the slave’s view — as detestable.