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I'm not Jewish - which is why I had to join the March of the Living

Lord Shinkwin, Conservative peer, explains why his bond with the surgeon who saved his life compelled him to take part

August 16, 2018 14:10
Peopel take part in the annual March of the Living to commemorate the Holocaust
12 min read

"I don’t understand why you went, to be honest”.

It was a perfectly reasonable response from a concerned family member. I had not long returned from Poland with March of the Living. In the space of five intensive days spent with that remarkable charity, I had learnt more about the Holocaust than most people would ever choose to know. 

What I witnessed left me traumatised by the scale of the tragedy and uplifted by the evident triumph of the human spirit despite it. 
So why did I put myself through it? What compelled me to choose to learn more about such an abomination?

After all, unlike many of those who accompanied me on the trip, I am not Jewish. I did not lose any of my family to the Holocaust. So what has it got to do with me?