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How Bristol built a bridge across the Middle East divide

November 24, 2016 23:26
Bristol JSoc members Jamie Gance and Jordan Mizrahi (centre) with ex-IDF soldier Hen Mazzig (right)

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

3 min read

At a time when the story from campuses around the country has been a depressing one of increasing tensions between Israel and Palestinian supporters students at Bristol University have managed to buck the trend.

Members of the Jewish and the Palestinian societies have found a way to encourage dialogue and even friendship across the Middle East divide - and it has involved an abortive boycott vote, an ex-IDF soldier and a mutual liking for falafel.

Relations hit a low earlier this year when Bristol University Friends of Palestine (Palsoc) attempted to pass a student union motion to boycott goods produced in West Bank settlements.

The move failed after an impassioned debate in which members of the 150-strong Jewish Society highlighted the damaging effect on Jewish students of singling out Israel. Accusations of antisemitism were levelled as emotions threatened to spill over.