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How a generous pilot helped me daven at 35,000ft

Marc Meyer was on a complex overnight flight from London to Hong Kong. The Yidden-friendly crew pinpointed the correct halachic time for him to pray

October 11, 2019 11:58
A mid-flight sunrise
3 min read

Every seasoned observant traveller will know that a flight to the Far East from London presents real “davening/praying” challenges.

Typically, the flight will leave London in the afternoon and arrive at its destination late morning or early afternoon the next day.

This means that at minima, one will need to pray Arvit, Shema Mita and Schaharis in the plane — and at the correct halachic times.

As the plane is going towards sunrise, effectively in winter it may never encounter the right time for morning prayers until very close to landing (and too late for donning tefillins as the seat belt sign is on).