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Funding threat to Jnetics life-saving tests

Screening programme to detect genetic illness carriers faces cash crisis

September 7, 2017 14:33
4 min read

One in five Ashkenazi Jews is a healthy carrier of at least one severe recessive Jewish genetic disorder. When two carriers of the same recessive condition have children together, there is a one-in-four chance of those children being affected.

In a special issue about genetic illness last November, the JC reported on the efforts of Jnetics to increase the number of community members screened to see if they are carriers of debilitating and potentially life-shortening genetic disorders.

The charity has been successful in this regard, particularly through the establishment of an educational and screening programme for year-12 pupils at Jewish schools.

But Jnetics now warns that, without additional funding, it will not be able to progress its “life-saving programme”.