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Does Israel have a legitimate claim of sovereignty over the West Bank?

Two experts voice their opposing views on the status of Israel's annexation plans

July 31, 2020 08:58

ByJohn Strawson, john strawson

7 min read


Donald Trump’s “deal of the century” contains a conceptual map demarcating a small Palestinian state alongside a larger Israel gaining 30 per cent of the occupied West Bank.

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, took this as a green light to propose a unilateral annexation of the area. In an effort to force his hand, some Knesset members introduced an annexation bill last week. Such an action would be unlawful under Israeli legal commitments and international law.

The West Bank is the area to the east of the Green Line, which marked the armistice agreements at the end of the War of Independence in 1948-9. This was land that the 1947 United Nations partition plan had allocated to the Arab Palestinian state. By 1949 it was occupied by Jordan which unlawfully annexed it a year later.

Israel, in its Declaration of Independence, made the commitment that the new state was “prepared to cooperate with the agencies and representatives of the United Nations in implementing the [partition] resolution”. Given the implacable opposition of the Arab world to the creation of the Jewish state, this aspiration went unfulfilled.