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Bill Browder: ‘With Navalny murdered, I’m now Putin’s enemy number one’

The investor was expelled from Russia in 2005

February 21, 2024 13:25
Bill Browder_GettyImages-1238875476
American-born British financier and political activist Bill Browder poses for pictures in front of 10 Downing street in London, on March 2, 2022. (Photo by Tolga Akmen / AFP) (Photo by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images)

ByPaul Cainer, Paul Cainer

4 min read

Bill Browder sits in his London home-office answering incessant phone calls. The walls are festooned with paintings he bought during his time in Russia as its biggest foreign investor and hedge-fund tycoon, before being summarily expelled in 2005.

Browder, 59, who says he is ethnically Jewish though not religious, maintains an ironic sense of humour in the face of what he says is a suddenly increased threat to his own life.

“Yes, I suppose I am Putin’s public enemy number one outside Russia and Ukraine,” he tells the JC. “And the dangers for people like me have increased a lot after the murder of Alexei Navalny. Navalny was the biggest and most important critic of Putin, and Putin showed no worry about killing him. That means he calculated that there is no consequence.

“Putin has lost all restraints. He will embark on an international killing spree and that includes people in the UK. Including people like myself.”

