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Bringing the past alive through family history can change how we see ourselves

The Migration Museum tells the story of the movement of people — and that means the story of Britain’s Jews. Last weekend it held a day of talks and workshops, including Rob Rinder speaking on his experiences, and advice researching your own family

November 8, 2019 15:29
Rob Rinder tells his family story
5 min read

Celebrity brings privilege and for Robert Rinder the “apex of that privilege” was the opportunity to appear in the BBC’s Who Do You Think You Are last year.

Best known for his ITV reality court room show Judge Rinder, the presenter followed the story of his grandfather, hearing first-hand testimony in Poland of the horror of Nazi forced labour camps, as well as the hope offered by a new life in Lake Windermere.

Watched by 8 million viewers, Mr Rinder’s episode of the hit genealogical series went on to win a BAFTA earlier this year.