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Father of talented Oxford student who died of overdose attacks university’s drugs policy

Daniel Mervis - a JFS alumni and champion weightlifter – died aged 23 having developed a cocaine addiction at St John’s College

February 12, 2021 15:34
Daniel Mervis Credit to Hilton Mervis.jpg
3 min read

The father of a gifted Oxford University student who died of an overdose has hit out at the drugs policy of his son’s former college.

Daniel Mervis - a JFS alumni and word record powerlifter – died aged 23 having developed a cocaine addiction while at St John’s College.

He began his first term at the university in October 2014 after his entrance exam results ranked among the top five percent of St John’s College admissions.

The physics student took time out in his first year due to his battle with addiction and rejoined a year later, but left again to focus on his treatment.