ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch
Facebook and Google have agreed to form a group to tackle online bullying and hate attacks.
The companies pledged to be more open about how they combat cyber-bullying and online offences, and will work with members of the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism’s task force on internet hate.
They will form a new working group with internet industry experts to develop better reporting systems aimed at stopping people spreading hatred on the web.
John Mann MP, ICCA chair, said: “This is a significant breakthrough with implications beyond the internet industry. It will make it more straightforward to challenge others in civil society, such as the sports world, employers and political parties.”
Christopher Wolf, co-chair of the internet hate task force, called the move “an incredible opportunity to have the industry’s leaders coming together with non-governmental organisations, academics and other interested parties to develop a collaborative approach to internet hate”.