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Eyal Amitzur figures out a way to take Sodoku to a new dimension

Eyal Amitzur

January 29, 2009 14:46
Eyal Amitzur

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

1 min read

Fans of the puzzle Sudoku can now enjoy it in three dimensions, thanks to Israeli architect Eyal Amitzur.

The 32-year-old has developed Tredoku, which uses the same rules as Sudoku but comes as a 3D image on the page, rather than the more common flat layout. He has also come up with a version for children.

Mr Amitzur tells People: “When you look at the blueprints for a building, you must use creative thinking to connect the flat drawings to a three dimensional whole in your head. This was my model for building Tredoku.”

How hard is it? “I think it’s harder than the regular Sudoku because of the 3D format, which takes some getting used to.” For those less confident, there are Tredoku Easy, Tredoku Beginners and Tredoku Kids books available to buy on Amazon.