
Exposed: jihadi propaganda on sale on Amazon

A podcast by an al-Qaeda terrorist, a screed by a cleric who called the Holocaust 'divine punishment' and a host of other extremist material was found on online market site


Amazon has been accused of selling jihadi propaganda that threatens the Jewish community after the JC discovered a podcast by an al-Qaeda terrorist, a screed by a cleric who called the Holocaust “divine punishment” and a host of other extremist material on its website.

Government antisemitism adviser Lord Mann warned that the works “encourage people to act irrationally and potentially violently” and said the legal loopholes that permit their sale needed to be urgently closed.

The discovery comes after eBay was last week forced to apologise for selling Nazi memorabilia even though the site had banned the material 20 years ago.

An Amazon spokesperson told the JC they take these concerns "very seriously" and are looking into the material in question.

Al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar Al-Awlaki’s Journey to Hereafter: In the Shade of Quran and Authentic Hadeeths, which covers the “afterlife” of martyrs, is available from Amazon as a paperback book or a free podcast series.

Al-Awlaki, who was killed in an American drone strike in 2011, was a key al-Qaeda recruiter who ran a mosque in the US state Virginia attended by three of the 9/11 hijackers, before moving to Yemen to run international terror plots himself.

“The imam vividly portrays the different phases the human soul passes through during its lifetime up to its death as well as the process of judgment of souls and the resulting eternal life in Heaven or Hell in the Hereafter,” claims the description of his work.

The 22 episodes, each around an hour long, are delivered in a “breathtaking style”, it adds.
Infamous Islamist text Milestones is also on sale and available for next-day delivery with Amazon Prime.

The 1964 book by Sayyid Qutb sets out a plan to reshape the Muslim world on strictly fundamentalist grounds. It claims: “World Jewry[’s]… purpose is to eliminate all limitations, especially the limitations imposed by faith and religion, so that the Jews may penetrate into [the] body politic of the whole world and then may be free to perpetuate their evil designs.”

Also on sale from under £10 in paperback is The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam by Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.

The spiritual father of the Muslim Brotherhood movement has claimed that the Holocaust was “divine punishment” and complained of a “Jewish plot” to control the entire Middle East.

When he died last month, the Jewish Leadership Council condemned the theologian as “a notorious supporter of violence against Jewish people”. On Amazon, Al-Qaradawi is described simply as an “eminent Egyptian scholar”.

Far-right books can also be ordered from the global marketplace.

Available with next-day delivery is The Jewish Domination of Hollywood by Philip Anderson.
Its description claims: “This succinct but well-researched book traces the way that Jewish film executives, directors and actors came to dominate Hollywood.”

The Mabus Puppet Masters: The Concepts of World Jewish Domination by Eric Jason Lattier is available for Kindle, in hardback or in paperback from as little as £9.83. The book includes chapters on Zionism, Israel, and “the Jews in Europe today”.

Its product description says: “Your demise is a part of a systematic attack from powerful entities designed to break your will and make you subservient to the needs of a select few.”

Pedophilia & Empire is on sale from author Joachim Hagopian, who has claimed to be a former US army officer.

One section of the book, which has received a 4.5-star rating on Amazon, concerns the First Baron Rothschild and his role in creating a “Zionist World Dictatorship”.

“Links are then also explored between Victor Rothschild and the international Zionist crime cabal through his ties with such Jewish crime syndicate players as Zionist Mega Group members,” it states.

Lord Mann told the JC: “This material is highly damaging. The powers in this country to stop Amazon doing this are insignificant.

“They shouldn’t have special privilege to endorse this hatred.

“The government needs to take meaningful action now.

“We’ve got the Online Harms Bill. We need to make sure that when it comes to what Amazon sells, that those loopholes are closed.

Discussing the key Islamist books on offer, he added: “What these works do is encourage people to act irrationally and potentially violently. This is a threat to the Jewish community and a threat to the country more generally.”

Dave Rich, Head of Policy at the Community Security Trust, said: “Amazon should not sell books that incite hatred and spread vile antisemitism.

“Some of these authors have played a pivotal role in feeding the ideology behind devastating jihadist terrorism that has murdered countless people.

“The idea that Amazon is helping to spread these toxic ideas, and even profiting from it, is deeply shameful.”

An Amazon spokesperson said: “We take these concerns very seriously and are looking into this. We have policies governing which books can be listed for sale and invest significant time and resources to ensure our guidelines are followed.

"We remove products that do not adhere to our guidelines and also promptly investigate any book when a concern is raised."

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