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Exclusive: Top Corbyn adviser Andrew Murray linked 9/11 terror to 'Zionist colonialism'

Murray also wrote the US should ensure an 'end to Israeli oppression of the Palestinians' in the wake of the attack

May 10, 2019 14:33
Andrew Murray.JPG
1 min read

Andrew Murray, a close adviser to Jeremy Corbyn, wrote that the roots of the 9/11 terror attacks lay in “Zionist colonialism” of the Balfour declaration, the JC can reveal.

In a December 2005 article for the Morning Star - unearthed by investigative journalist Iggy Ostanin - Mr Murray suggested that the attacks were a criminal act rather than an act of war.

He continued: “Even if one considers it a war, only the most Anglo-Saxon-centric commentator could consider it the start of the war.

"For millions around the world, the ‘war’ began with the Anglo-French seizure of Arab lands as the Ottoman empire rotted, with the Balfour declaration in 1917 giving the green light to Zionist colonialism."