
Exclusive: 'Jews in gutter' rant activist accused of creating 'hostile environment'

Glyn Secker has been accused of having an “obsession” with raising “anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish Labour Movement” views at CLP meetings

May 14, 2019 16:32
Glyn Secker
2 min read

The anti-Zionist activist whose rant about Jews being "in the gutter” was exposed by the JC has been accused of turning a local Labour group into a “hostile environment for mainstream Jews” in an official complaint sent to the party's general secretary.

Glyn Secker, a member of the Dulwich and West Norwood Constituency Labour Party, was accused by a leading Jewish activist of having an “obsession” with raising “anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish Labour Movement” views at party meetings.

Despite the seriousness of the accusation, Labour failed to take action over the claim.

On Tuesday, it is understood that the party launched an investigation into the speech made by Mr Secker at last Saturday's Palestine demonstration in central London.

A copy of the formal complaint, sent on 4 February 2018 by a Jewish member of the CLP and now seen by the JC, also stated that as a result of the intimidating atmosphere, “unsurprisingly, some local Jewish Party members have resigned from the party."

In a letter sent to then Labour general secretary Iain McNicol, the complainant wrote: "Until the last couple of years, the problem of antisemitism in the party was one I very rarely encountered in my 38 years of membership."

In a section of the complaint headlined, 'The hostile environment for mainstream Jews within DAWN Constituency Labour Party’, it was stated: "It is not the first time in the last two years that the CLP has failed to constructively address antisemitism.

“Nor is it the first time that I feel that I’ve been targeted for being a Jew who reflects the views of the great majority of the Jewish community on the matter of antisemitism.

“The atmosphere at DAWN GC meetings is consistently, extremely unpleasant. Other members have complained about the bullying.

“One, albeit not the only, factor that gives licence to this and helps to create such a toxic atmosphere is the anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish Labour Movement obsession of Glyn Secker and a couple of other members of Jewish Voice for Labour.  

“They raise the matter on every conceivable occasion. Unsurprisingly some local Jewish party members have resigned from the party. “

The JC can reveal Mr Secker was at the centre of further controversy last year after he spoke to local party members about anger over Ken Livingstone’s repeated comments about Adolf Hitler and Zionism.

Introducing himself to the audience as a former member of the Socialist Workers Party, Mr Secker then backed arguments about Zionist collaboration with the Nazi regime.

He told the meeting in October 2018, "Just to come onto Livingstone - what he said about Hitler going mad was certainly offensive because it made it look as if the Holocaust was an isolated act of madness. Which is offensive.

"But he got his history wrong.

“If he had actually quoted Eichmann - who was not very far down below Hitler in the chain of command - Eichmann organised with Kaszner, Hungarian leader of the Zionists. 

“In Hungary they organised the Haavra agreement which was an agreement for the transfer of leading Jewish tailors to Palestine and for finance, the transfer of finance, and for acquisition of arms in exchange for the lifting of the Jewish boycott of the Nazi organisations because the Jewish boycott was effective and it was hurting the finances of the Nazi Party.

"And that history is there in Yad Vashem in the memorial to the Holocaust in Israel. And actually Kazner was fairly recently formally pardoned for his role in that but it doesn't mean that the history didn't take place. We need to be clear about that."

After the JC exposed Mr Secker’s speech to pro-Palestinian activists at Saturday march in central London he attempted to dispute the reports quotes tweeted a copy of a speech and suggesting it represented “what I actually said”.

But the speech he placed on social media was clearly different to the wording of the speech he read on the demo – which was captured in a video by the JC.

On Monday evening Jewish Labour MP Alex Sobel wrote on Twitter “Has he been suspended yet? People have for less.”

The JC contacted Labour for comment on Tuesday.