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Ex-refugees made to feel they are 'not British' as they 'jump through hoops' to renew passports

Exclusive: They have lived in Britain for decades since leaving Aden but suddenly face hurdle after hurdle

June 6, 2019 12:59
Rami Kanzen with all the passports he had to send to have his renewed
2 min read

Jewish refugees from Aden who have lived in Britain for decades have spoken of having to “jump through hoops” they have never previously encountered when applying to renew their passports, and being made to feel they are “not British citizens” .

One of those who fled the former British protectorate, which is now Yemen, said he had “been made to wait months and asked to produce documents never needed before”.

Nearly the entire Jewish population fled Aden between June 1947 and September 1967, mostly heading to Israel and Britain.

During the 1967 Six-Day War, those who remained had to be secretly airlifted out by the Royal Air Force in the middle of the night and were brought to the UK. Those who came were issued with British Overseas Passports.