
Ex-ambassador responds to Corbyn's claim he 'wrote' pro-Israel speech for British MPs

Ron Prosor, Israeli ambassador to the UK from 2007 to 2011, says the Labour leader used 'antisemitic images and narratives'

August 29, 2018 11:00
Ron Prosor
1 min read

Israel's former ambassador to the UK has accused Jeremy Corbyn of using "the most ancient antisemitic images and narratives" when he said he wrote the speeches of British MPs defending the country.

Ron Prosor, who served as the Israeli ambassador from 2007 to 2011, called for a “bipartisan coalition to save the UK from this very dangerous person” after seeing footage of Mr Corbyn speaking at a meeting of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in 2010.

As revealed by MailOnline, Mr Corbyn, then a backbench MP, was talking about the Gaza flotilla raid, in which ten anti-Israel activists were killed and ten IDF soldiers wounded.

He said that MPs attending a debate on the subject in the House of Commons “all turned up with a pre-prepared script. I’m sure our friend Ron Prosor wrote it".

He added: “Because they all came up with the same key words. It was rather like reading a European document looking for buzz-words.

“And the buzz-words were, ‘Israel’s need for security’. And then ‘the extremism of the people on one ship’. And ‘the existence of Turkish militants on the vessel’.

“It came through in every single speech, this stuff came through.”

MailOnline reported it examined that House of Commons debate and found no evidence that MPs used the “buzzwords” described by Mr Corbyn.

Speaking to the JC, Mr Prosor said: "Jeremy Corbyn doesn't shy away from using the most ancient antisemitic images and narratives, that Jews control politics and the media.

“The truth is, anyone who has even basic knowledge of British Media knows it's one of the most hostile arenas for Israel.

“The fight against Corbyn can't remain a ‘Jewish fight’ only – there should be a bipartisan coalition to save the UK, a cradle of modern democracy - from this very dangerous person.

“This is not politics, it's basic human decency".