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Even with shrapnel, Israeli kids are freer

November 4, 2010 16:29

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

1 min read

Israeli schoolchildren, even those on the war-blighted Lebanese border, have greater freedom to learn through exploration and play than their "over risk-assessed" British counterparts, according to a Jewish primary school headteacher.

Leeds Brodetsky Primary School head Jeremy Dunford, returning from his first visit to Israel, said he had found that Israeli pupils were able to use school equipment with far less adult supervision, and greater success, while British children were less likely to learn how to cope with risk as a result of strict UK health and safety laws.

One of the schools Mr Dunford visited on a UJIA-organised trip last week for senior Jewish educators was Ben Zvi Primary School in Shlomi.

It lies around a mile from the Lebanese border, and its headteacher keeps Hizbollah rocket shrapnel on his desk to remind him of attacks.