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Essex town to twin with Bethleham

February 18, 2010 15:06

ByRobyn Rosen, Robyn Rosen

1 min read

A small rural Essex town is planning to twin with Bethlehem, becoming the first formal such arrangement between the Palestinian territories and England.

But some Jewish residents have expressed concern at the plan to twin with Mersea Island, which Mayor Peter Clements claims is not "political," but aimed at forming religious links.

The mayor said this week: "The deputy mayor of Bethlehem suggested the twinning and I thought: 'What a jolly good idea'.

"I went to Yad Vashem and read the awful story we all know, but the one thing that struck me was that there was a lot about the Warsaw Ghetto, with its great walls and people penned in, and the next thing I did was drive through another wall on our bus."