
Emma Kingston joins cast of Fiddler on the Roof

May 25, 2017 14:17
Emma Kingston.JPG
1 min read

There’s a new production of Fiddler coming to town – and two Jewish actresses are set to play starring roles.

Fiddler on the Roof will run at the Chichester festival theatre from 18 July to 26 August, with Tracy Ann Oberman playing the part of Golde (the wife of Tevye, the milkman).

Emma Kingston will join her, it has been announced, playing the role of Hodel, the second oldest daughter of the most famous family in Anatevka.

Most recently Ms Oberman was on stage in Stepping Out, while Ms Kingston played the role of Vanessa in In the Heights.

The play is based on Tevye and his daughters, a tale written by the great Yiddish storyteller, Sholem Aleichem. Omid Djalili, the actor and comedian, who has previously starred as a Jewish character in The Infidel, is set to play Tevye.