The Union of Jewish Students (UJS) hosted its 10th annual student awards on Thursday.
The evening celebrates the hundreds of students who dedicate thousands of hours to enriching Jewish life on campus.
Over 200 people attended the event at the Marriott Hotel in Regents Park to recognise Jewish student contributions.
Among those present were knights, peers, NUS Vice Presidents, as well as representatives from CST, UJIA, the Alan Senitt Memorial Trust, Chaplaincy, the Jewish Leadership Council and both the President and Vice Presidents of the Board of Deputies.
Durham won the sought-after J-Soc of the year award. By hosting weekly Friday night dinners, organising talks with external speakers on various topics including the #MeToo movement, the university society was commended for creating a close-knit Jewish community.
Award winners included Luciana Berger (MP) who shared the inaugural award with Adam Pike. The Labour MP was recognised for her work combatting racism, her support for those living with mental illness and her roles within the Jewish community.
Accepting the award, she spoke of her support for the UJS : “I am a very proud Alumni of the Union of Jewish Students, it is one of the reasons l stand here as a member of parliament today.”
Next year, the UJS will celebrate 100 years of leading, defending and promoting Jewish life on campus.