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Deps attack JLC's Davis of 'apartheid'

July 21, 2011 13:27
“You’ve been demoted: the Main Event is now Mick Davis vs the Deputies”

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

2 min read

Members of the Board of Deputies launched a barrage of attacks at UJIA chairman Mick Davis on Sunday during a heated debate on the role of the Jewish Leadership Council.

Amid raised voices and finger-wagging, more than 20 deputies grilled Mr Davis, chairman of the JLC's board of trustees.

Many queued for more than an hour to claim their chance at the microphone before seizing the opportunity to unleash months of pent-up vitriol.

Bernard Silver, deputy for Western Marble Arch Synagogue, told Mr Davis: "I admire your chutzpah. The arrogance of the wealthy - they see themselves as the leaders even if they are inferior in every other way."