
Deborah Leveroy helps keep Britain’s contemporary playwrights in the limelight

Deborah Leveroy

January 14, 2009 16:40
Deborah Leveroy

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

1 min read

She may be an actress, but Deborah Leveroy is doing her bit to help contemporary British playwrights take centre stage.

Ms Leveroy, 30, is the founder of Silver Thread Productions. Formed this year, it promotes the writing of contemporary British playwrights by producing revivals of their work from the past two decades at fringe venues across the UK.

The company is currently staging its production of The Dice House by Paul Lucas. Running at the Hen and Chickens theatre in Islington, North London, it stars Jewish actor Neal Foster, who appeared in the original West End performance.

“We were keen to revive those plays that have their debuts at the National or Royal Court Theatre and then might get put to the back of the bookshelf,” Ms Leveroy tells People.

The Dice House is a comedy inspired by Luke Rhinehart’s cult novel The Dice Man. The play unfolds in a commune run by psychiatrist Doctor Ratner, where patients are encouraged to surrender all their decisions to the roll of a dice.

An actress for the past five years, Ms Leveroy also stars in the play. She trained at the Drama Studio London and last year she performed in The Container at the Edinburgh Festival, which won a Scotsman Fringe First award.

She says: “Our long term aim is to be at the forefront of nurturing a contemporary repertoire on the London fringe. We want to replicate as much professionalism as possible within our working environment, and use as many skills and talents out there as we can.”