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Daughter wants shul fees back over missing rabbi

Percy Kay was a member of the synagogue for 20 years. His daughter wants the money back to give to a cancer research charity after no rabbi showed up to officiate his shivah

August 11, 2017 09:14
Sam Dembina.JPG
2 min read

The last month has been tough for Sam Dembina. When her father, Percy Kay, checked in to the Royal Free hospi­tal for kidney treatment, he found out he had terminal bladder cancer.

After he passed away two weeks lat­er, the hospital refused to release the body for burial because he had not died of the illness for which he had been admitted. Ms Dembina had to wait five days for the body.

The funeral took place last Friday — and as the coffin was interred, a mem­ber of the burial society slipped and fell head-first into the grave.

“All I could see was his feet sticking out,” she said.