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Daily Mail should be ashamed for its vicious slur on Ralph Miliband

October 3, 2013 09:14

ByMartin Bright, Martin Bright

2 min read

There has always been a dark undercurrent to some of the criticism of Ed Miliband. He is just a little too intellectual, too metropolitan, too “north London” for some tastes.

Add to this mix his refugee, Marxist father with a dubious loyalty to Britain, and the ingredients are all there for the kind of vicious attack published by the Daily Mail this week.

I have always been wary of calling this dark undercurrent “antisemitism”, but the Daily Mail’s leader about the Milibands and Marxism (headline: “An evil legacy and why we won’t apologise”) dripped with the nastiest kind of prejudice.

Ed Miliband was understandably upset by the original attack on his father for writing (as a 17-year-old) that “the Englishman is a rabid nationalist”. He has pointed out that his father loved Britain because it provided him with a refuge from the Nazis. He is proud that his father served in the navy of his adopted country during the war.