
CST moves to reassure community over Golders Green rally

June 15, 2015 16:01
CST communications director Mark Gardner addresses the meeting

ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman

1 min read

Community representatives have said they are not intimidated by the planned extremist demonstration in Golders Green next month.

Speaking at a meeting on Sunday attended by the police, volunteer neighbourhood watch group Shomrim and delegates from more than 40 local shuls, leaders stressed that they were “concerned and repelled”, but not afraid of the prospect of the “Anti-Shomrim Action in London” protest being organised on July 4 – a Shabbat - by far-right activist Joshua Bonehill.

The Community Security Trust, who called the meeting, said they expected “various direct counter-protests” against the rally, and said they were doing “everything possible to help ensure that communal life continues as normal throughout the weekend and especially on the Shabbat.”

CST informed the audience that there will be a “community-wide communication” in the week leading up to July 4 which will clarify what actions the police and CST will take.

Inspector Julian Mosley, the police inspector for Golders Green,.outlined the extensive work being done by the police to minimise the effects of the protest.

The Inspector said he and his colleagues were in close contact with the council and CST, as well as with senior figures in the police service.