
Council offers haven to 50 Syrians after Succot refugee campaign

October 14, 2014 13:13
Rabbi Charley Baginsky of Kingston Liberal Synagogue speaks at All Saints Church succah

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read

A London council has agreed to offer sanctuary to 50 Syrian refugees in response to a Succot-themed interfaith project.

The leader of Kingston Council, Kevin Davis, agreed to the request after 70 people, including faith leaders, called on the local authority to show compassion to refugees in UN camps in war zone areas like Syria.

Kevin Davis said, “I will support your campaign and work with you to find ways to resettle vulnerable families. We can’t do everything, but this small thing we can. I will also ask leaders of other local councils to join me in working with your campaign.”

Rabbi Charley Baginsky, of Kingston Liberal Synagogue, Rabbi Danny Rich CEO of Liberal Judaism, and Dr Sarah Mehdi of the Surrey Islamic Centre were involved in the project, organised by community campaigning group Citizens UK.

Participants constructed a succah outside All Saints Church in the south-west London suburb last weekend.

Rabbi Baginsky said: “It was a pleasure to welcome the Christian and Muslim communities to celebrate the festival of Succot with us and share with them this important tradition of our faith. Together we promise to aid and welcome refugees resettled to Kingston.”

Citizens UK member Rabbi Danny Rich said: “Together we believe that we can make a difference. This isn’t about an open door immigration policy; it’s about helping some of the most vulnerable refugees and supporting them to safety here in Kingston.”

Citizens UK is running the “Season of Sanctuary” project in 15 boroughs across the UK. They hope to double the number of refugees from war zones resettled in the UK annually from 750 to 1500.