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Conspiracy theorist Icke cheered after calling for 'Nuremberg trial' of 'global psychopaths'

Icke uses speech at London anti-mask demo to claim measures to tackle Covid-19 are 'excuses for real fascism.'

September 30, 2020 09:14
Icke speech Capture.JPG
2 min read

The antisemitic conspiracy theorist David Icke was cheered loudly after calling for “a Nuremberg type trial for crimes against humanity” of an alleged “global” collective of “psychopaths” who he claims are behind the attempt to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking at a rally in London’s Trafalgar Square, the former sports presenter repeatedly claimed that measures to tackle the virus – including the wearing of masks – were in fact “excuses for real fascism.”

At one point in his speech last weekend,  Mr Icke said the “mass global dehumanisation” of the those ordered to partake in measures of stop the spread of coronavirus was “deceit so premediated, so long-planned, so calculated … that we must not rest until those responsible – including these down the street (in Westminster) – are before a Nuremberg type trial for crimes against humanity.”

He then received his loudest cheer of the afternoon from a crowd of anti-mask protestors as he shouted:” "People of the world, if you want to express your freedom in the face of fascism, take your bloody mask off!"