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Why booming Mill Hill East shul is young in all senses

US congregation founded in 2016 is bucking the trend on service attendances. Now it is celebrating the arrival of a Sefer Torah

November 19, 2021 10:02
1 min read

While many shuls are struggling to return to pre-pandemic numbers for services, the burgeoning Mill Hill East community reports that attendances are on the rise.

The North-West London United Synagogue congregation is currently welcoming 130 people to its Shabbat services, compared to around 90 in spring 2019.

Young in all senses — MHE was founded in 2016 and many of its 280 adult members are newly marrieds in their 20s and 30s with young children — another sign of its development will be Sunday’s celebration of a new Sefer Torah.

Members raised more than £25,000 to fund the scroll, an ark and bimah.