
What a marathon of a year

Father runs 12 marathons in 12 months

December 1, 2017 15:35
Damian Schogger at the Bournemouth Marathon
1 min read

It’s been a marathon of a year for Borehamwood dad Damian Schogger.

A keen runner since 2011 and a trustee of the Talia Trust for Children UK — which provides funding to support children from disadvantaged homes who suffer from learning disabilities — Mr Schogger decided to up the running and fundraising.

Mr Schogger, 41, who is an honorary officer at Borehamwood and Elstree Synagogue, said: “I knew that getting sponsorship for one or two marathons was unlikely, so I came up with the 12in12 challenge to run 12 marathons in 12 months.

“It started in Cambridge on February 26, and I managed to run the 12th race at the Phoenix Riverside Winter Marathon along the Thames in mid-November, completing the challenge in under nine months. So far I’ve raised £5,200.”

Having run 3:08 at the Abingdon Marathon in October 2016, he has also secured a “good for age” place for the 2018 London Marathon.

“I’m already being asked what my next challenge is, but nothing definite is planned.”