
Westcliff Charedim reveal plans for a synagogue on warehouse site

Proposals submitted to the local authority include the provision of a mikveh

November 11, 2020 15:09
A proposed design of the new synagogue in Westcliff
1 min read

The Chasidic community in Westcliff wants to build a new synagogue on the site of a disused warehouse. 

According to plans submitted to the local authority, the shul on Hildaville Drive will include a mikveh and two opening roof lights for Succot. 

The location is in the heart of a proposed eruv, approved last year. 

Southend and Westcliff is served by an Orthodox congregation and a Reform shul.

A Chasidic group had used Southend and Westcliff Hebrew Congregation premises but the arrangement ended in 2018 with claims that the group had been made to feel “unwelcome”.

The application says: “While two synagogues already exist in the borough, there are fundamental elements and customs of the Chasidim community’s observance of Jewish law that set it apart from other Orthodox Jewish services and practices. 

“Accordingly, the Chasidim community needs its own synagogue dedicated to worship, teaching and learning, centrally located to the settled Westcliff families that it will serve and positioned in the middle of the enclosing eruv.” 

Families were moving to the Essex coast because of overcrowding and property costs in Stamford Hill, the application noted.