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War museum highlights the cases of Holocaust victims

July 12, 2012 14:45
Graham Boxer with one of the suitcases and the Gerry Judah sculpture

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

1 min read

The suitcases of two Holocaust victims and a seven-foot sculpture are among Jewish-related items showcased in the Imperial War Museum North’s 10th anniversary exhibition.

German couple Leonard and Clara Wohl owned the suitcases. Their four children who survived did not know what had happened to their parents. Confirmation that they died at Auschwitz came only in 1999. The suitcases were donated by their daughter Eva, who had kept them in the attic of her British home since 1947.

At midday, the main exhibition space goes dark as Eva Wohl’s story is projected onto walls and ceilings in the museum’s Big Picture Show.

Also on exhibit is The Crusader, a Gerry Judah sculpture of war-torn buildings, commissioned by the IWM from the London-based contemporary artist.