
Visa delays scupper rabbi's festival start

October 1, 2015 10:57

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read

South London's largest community, Wimbledon Reform, has had to manage without its new Californian rabbi over the festivals as visa delays have postponed his arrival.

But Rabbi Jason Rosner has now obtained the required three-year visa for a minister and has booked his flight to the UK for the end of the month.

"I was a little surprised by how long it took, but the community were very patient," he said. "A minister visa for the UK sometimes takes as long as five months."

Retired rabbi and synagogue member Tony Hammond has stepped into the breach over Yomtov. Synagogue president Julian Samuels said the synagogue had been warned that the process might take longer than anticipated.

"But we are really excited and are looking forward to his arrival."

Rabbi Rosner and his wife, Noemie, are now expected to start their duties on November 2.