ByJay Grenby, Jay Grenby
Brevity now rules for the former Association of United Synagogue Women, which has changed its name to US Women.
“It’s easier to say and it’s what we are,” declared Kenton Synagogue’s Irene Leeman after an EGM at which she and Dalia Cramer of Finchley Synagogue were elected the organisation’s first co-chairs.
This joint post was permitted by a revised constitution approved at the meeting.
Other members of the newly-elected executive include vice-chair Susan Kosky, Denise Connick, Anne Godfrey, Toni Kulawy, Claire Lemer, Hannah Nemko, Elaine Renshaw, Judith Sheldon and Anne Shisler.
Lady Jakobovits and Lady Sacks retain presidential roles with the organisation.