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US to allow shivah services to be held in shuls

The move is part of new measures for the end of the second national lockdown

December 3, 2020 14:27

ByAleks Phillips, Aleks Phillips

2 min read

The possibility of holding shivah services in shuls has been raised by the United Synagogue following the resumption of collective worship after the second lockdown.

In its latest advice to its congregations, the US suggests that shivah services may be held as part of a standard synagogue service, as well as one commemorative event per day on the premises during the shivah period. These can have a maximum 15 attendees (excluding the rabbi) and last no longer than an hour.

While attendees will not be allowed to sit with those mourning, they may pass by to pay respects at a safe distance.

Rabbi Nicky Liss, chair of the US Rabbinical Council, said: “Shivah houses are a crucial part of the Jewish mourning process and we know bring great comfort to our members. Given government regulations preclude us from visitors in our homes, we are pleased to be able to open up our synagogue buildings to enable shivah services in shul.