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US sorry for Mill Hill dates clash

May 20, 2016 08:52

ByJosh Jackman, Josh Jackman

1 min read

The United Synagogue has apologised for a clash between Monday's Mill Hill Synagogue AGM and an open meeting to discuss a potential US congregation in Mill Hill East.

A US spokesman accepted that the clash was "unfortunate and we apologise for any concerns this may raise. Having discussed this with Mill Hill US, we are pleased that they are sending a representative to Monday's meeting."

Mill Hill's Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet "hoped that the US will liaise transparently with the main communities in Mill Hill so that this welcome innovation will not work against the better interests of those communities".

Avi Gillis, chief executive of Jerusalem College of Technology's UK support group, is co-hosting the open meeting and expects up to 50 people to attend.