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US moves to cut burial transfer costs

People moving from city to city will face a lesser financial burden to change their burial arrangements if the United Synagogue’s national burial fee transfer scheme is implemented.

January 8, 2009 16:45

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

2 min read

People moving from city to city will face a lesser financial burden to change their burial arrangements if the United Synagogue’s national burial fee transfer scheme is implemented.

The US is asking Orthodox synagogues to guarantee to forward a fixed element of a congregant’s past fees to another Orthodox burial organisation. At present, accumulated fees are lost when a person moves to another burial society.

US burials head Melvyn Hartog says he wants to make it financially easier for people to move and retain the protection of a burial society. “I fully accept there are small burial boards that have financial constraints,” he said this week.

“We need all societies to be refunding a bit more, even though transferring fees won’t cover a burial. My proposal was to refund 80 per cent of what people have paid.” Mr Hartog estimated that US members will have contributed £1,000-1,200 in fees over the course of a lifetime.