
UK 'twins' raise £13k to fund Ethiopians' bnei mitzvah party in Israel

Money generated by British celebrants pays for celebration, clothes and presents

October 16, 2017 12:49
Jude Garcia with "twin" Elias
1 min read

Ten Ethiopian Israelis celebrating bar- and batmitzvahs enjoyed a celebration party thanks to the efforts of their UK "twins" who raised more than £13,000.

The Ethiopian Israelis are supported by one of MyIsrael’s charities, the Forgotten People Fund (FPF). Thanks to the fundraising of their UK counterparts, each child was able to bring 10 guests to the party and received a laptop as a present. The money also went towards purchasing outfits for the celebrants and their families.

Finchley barmitzvah boy Jude Garcia, who raised £3,400 with his friend Jake Lowy, attended the party in Israel to share the experience with his "twin" Elias.

"It was incredible to see how the money I raised made such a huge difference to Elias," Jude said. "I especially loved seeing his shocked face when he was given his computer. It feels amazing to know that I have been able to give Elias a gift which will help him with his school work in the years ahead.”

MyIsrael founder Danni Franks said: “We are very proud of our UK bnei mitzvah kids who chose to do something so meaningful as part of their own celebrations. They saw all their hard work culminate in this incredible party."