
Tube walkers celebrate their very own Jubilee

September 24, 2015 10:34
Hat stand: Together Plan walkers take a break along the London route

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read

Six young Londoners walked the length of the Jubilee Line in a joint fundraising endeavour with some counterparts in Belarus.

The Together Plan event saw the "Jewbilee Liners" take 12 hours to cover the 30 miles. As an added challenge, participants were tied together throughout the walk and if that was not enough to attract attention, they wore giant sombreros.

In Belarus, the young people walked the length of a Minsk metro line. Together, the activities raised £1,500 for the charity, which supports Belarus Jewry.

Some of the proceeds have been used to buy the Polotsk community in northern Belarus its first Torah scroll.

British participant and Clore Shalom Primary teacher Sophie Teff said: "The walk was fun, though painful at times. Thirty miles through London is longer than a marathon. We're really proud that all of us finished."

Together Plan director Debra Brunner said the fundraiser demonstrated the charity's ethos. "It's not about handouts and freebies - we help communities to stand on their own feet."