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Tribe fills Watford leadership gap with youth appointment

March 10, 2011 14:13
Aaron Rosenberg (second right) at the bowling event with Daniel Katz, Carmel Shayle, Elliot Shayle, David Burke and Scott Michaels

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Watford Synagogue has appointed its first youth leader with funding support from Tribe, the United Synagogue's youth arm.

Aaron Rosenberg, 20, will be working part-time, leading activities for the post bar/batmitzvah age group while completing his psychology degree at the University of London's Queen Mary College.

After being welcomed at a service and lunch for the shul's teenagers, his first event was a bowling evening.

Watford chairman Brian Levy said the youth leader had made an immediate impact. "With a growing cheder, our youngsters were well catered for but we needed to engage our teenage members.