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The Leeds kids who go to King David, Manchester

June 10, 2010 12:37
Educational travel: King David’s growing group of Leeds pupils make an early start on Monday

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

2 min read

To appreciate the importance Leeds parents attach to Jewish education, you need to take the bus - to Manchester.

With no Jewish high school in Leeds, secondary age pupils have traditionally gone to the fee-paying Leeds Grammar or local state schools. However, an increasing number of families are now opting to send their children to the King David High after attending Leeds' Brodetsky Jewish Primary. As well as the attraction of keeping their children within a Jewish environment, there is the appeal of King David's consistently high academic results.

Seventy pupils currently make the 90-mile daily round trip and in September, the number of young commuters is expected to swell to 80, filling two coaches. That is a four-fold rise from the group who shared a minibus when Leonie Jackson, 17, started at KD five years ago.

Now as one of the unofficial leaders of the travelling band on the ground of seniority, she loves life in what she calls "the KD bubble. All my friends are in Manchester."