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The JC at 175: leading lights of the community (and a few politicians) on what the JC means to them

November 10, 2016 10:50
175 cover

ByJC Reporter, JC Reporter

9 min read

Ephraim Mirvis
Chief Rabbi
Arthur Miller, the celebrated Jewish playwright, once said: “A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself.” For 175 years, the JC has been a unique forum for the Jewish community to talk “to itself”. Since 1841, via the pages of the JC, we have celebrated moments of the greatest joy together, we have grieved in moments of devastating tragedy together; we have learned, laughed and probably more often than we would have liked, we have quarrelled. Like a mirror held up to our community, it has shown us as we really are: divided or united, proud or humbled — but always compassionate, enthusiastic and generous.

To this day, two Hebrew words remain on the JC’s masthead. They are sefer zikaron — a “book of memory”. The JC is indeed a “chronicle” in the truest sense. It is a record of who we have been, of how we have lived and of what has been important to us over the years. May the next 175 years be filled only with occasion for us to celebrate together, to see the good in every Jew and to cherish the boundless beauty of our collective Jewish identity.

Rabbi Lord Sacks
Emeritus Chief Rabbi
The more I travel the Jewish world, the more I have come to appreciate the professionalism, openness and excellence of the Jewish Chronicle. It is a defining institution of Anglo-Jewry and one of which we should be proud. Mazeltov on your 175th anniversary.

Theresa May
Prime Minister
I am delighted to congratulate the Jewish Chronicle on its 175th anniversary. Since its launch in 1841, the Jewish Chronicle has represented the British Jewish community with unswerving dedication and professionalism. Jewish people have long been an important and integral part of this country. I value the enormous contribution you make and, in turn, the contribution the Jewish Chronicle makes by reflecting the diversity of Jewish religious, social and political thought across the spectrum. As the world’s oldest and most influential Jewish newspaper, the Jewish Chronicle is testament to the very best qualities of journalism, and I wish the paper and its readers every success in the years to come.