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Ten thousand watch Ajex remembrance ceremony online

Servicemen and women's association 'more determined than ever to honour those that served'

November 16, 2020 11:12
National chairman Mike Bluestone laying a wreath
1 min read

An online audience of more than 10,000 worldwide tuned in to Ajex’s remembrance ceremony.

Narrated by broadcaster Natasha Kaplinsky, it included contributions by national chairman Mike Bluestone, who expressed sadness that “we could not meet together in person at the Cenotaph this year”. He was pleased, however, that the ceremony could at least take place virtually.

Other speakers included Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and Board of Deputies president Marie van der Zyl.

The ceremony also included prayers, wreath laying and a two-minute silence. Buglers from the Rifles Regiment played the Last Post and Reveille. Pupils from Nancy Reuben Primary sang Adon Olam.