ByAnonymous, Anonymous
Magen David Adom UK is targeting teenagers for its first major blood donor campaign since Britons were banned from giving blood for Israel following the "Mad Cow"/CJD outbreak in the 1980s and 90s.
As the legal age for giving blood for Israel is 17, MDA has launched a campaign through schools and social media to reach those from the new generation of eligible donors born after the health scare who turned 17 after January 1 this year.
Six of those who respond to the question, "What's in your blood?" will win a VIP trip to Israel to make their donation. It is estimated that close to 3,000 UK Jews will celebrate 17th birthdays in 2014.
"This is an incredible opportunity for young people to get involved and give something back to the Israeli people," said MDA UK chief executive Daniel Burger. "These 17-year-olds now have the chance to make a difference in a way their older siblings, parents and even leaders of the UK Jewish community will never be able to. MDA UK is committed to saving more lives in Israel."
Entries can be made through the microsite, They do not have to be Jewish or Israeli themed and the organisers anticipate that many will reflect favourite sporting teams or musicians.
MDA expects that within a few years, blood donation in Israel will be a commonplace part of gap year schemes from the UK, as it is for those from other countries.