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Surrey shul looks to student to step up

v Kath Vardi will become will become only the fourth permanent rabbi in the close-on 50-year history of North West Surrey Synagogue when she joins the community next summer.

December 9, 2016 14:53
kath vardi
1 min read

Ms Vardi is in her final year of rabbinic studies at Leo Baeck College. Her previous career was in mental health, first as a psychiatric nurse, then as a manager of NHS local and regional services.

During a career break to bring up her five children, she established a mobile crèche, providing facilities at conferences and weddings.

In the communal world, she has led a cheder in Blackpool and worked with Progressive congregations in the Manchester area.

The experience of conducting a Shabbat service at the Weybridge-based Reform synagogue prompted her to apply for a permanent position. She will be moving from Lancashire with her family.