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Strictly Orthodox primary: ‘Pupils must stay at home if they go to a simchah’

Torah Vodaas Primary for boys in Barnet says there have been 'a number of people in the community contracting the virus through attending [weddings] and simchahs' recently

December 6, 2020 11:47
(Photo: Getty Images)

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

A strictly Orthodox primary school in Barnet has said that pupils who attend a simchah must stay home and not come to school for a week after the event.

Rabbi Yehuda Feldman, headteacher of the independent Torah Vodaas Primary for boys, told parents on Tuesday that “recently there has been a number of people in the community contracting the virus through attending chasunos [weddings] and simchahs”.

The school had been “advised by our local doctors that the school must insist that any child or member of staff attending a chasuna or simchah must not attend school for a full week following the simchah.

“If at the end of the full week they display no symptoms of Covid, they should take a Covid test. We will then welcome back any child with a negative test result.”