
Stevenage to get Liberal synagogue

November 24, 2016 20:56
1 min read

Liberal Judaism will have a permanent presence in the Stevenage and surrounding area with the formal affiliation of the North Herts Liberal Jewish Community, which held its first Shabbat service less than a year ago.

At a meeting to decide the group's future, members were assured of Liberal Judaism's continuing support by chief executive Rabbi Danny Rich before resolving unanimously to become its newest addition.

An 11-member committee has been elected to administer the new community, chaired by founder member Terry Wolfe, whose wife Gillian will be secretary. "We have already had a lot of help from head office," Mr Wolfe reported.

"They have funded our twice-monthly services and will continue to do so for a further year, providing a student rabbi to lead our services whenever possible.

"Eventually, we hope to be able to arrange for a more permanent student rabbi of our own." Assistance has also come from The Liberal Synagogue Elstree, where the Wolfes were members before moving to Stevenage three years ago.

Mr Wolfe believes the community can attract unaffiliated Jews in the area.

"Some people have been here for more than 40 years and did not know of any other Jews in Stevenage. We have been here for three and have got them all together, so we feel very proud of ourselves."

Services are held at a local hotel, but the hope is that a more suitable venue can be arranged before the High Holy-Days.