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SOS from Leeds' Pesach pop-up: 'Support Our Shop'

Leaders warn service will become 'unsustainable' if local consumers buy their festival products out of town

April 11, 2022 15:06
1 min read

The organisers of a Pesach pop-up shop in Leeds have urged community members to buy their Passover supplies there, rather than out of town.

Simon Williams, who started the service four years ago with another longstanding community member, Marshall Frieze, said: “While we are not a big community, we are still sustainable.

“The only way for us to fulfil Pesach for customers is for the Leeds Jewish community to support the shop. If they don’t, it becomes unsustainable.”

The duo, who both have retail backgrounds, initially stepped into the breach when the only kosher deli in Leeds closed just before the festival.

