
Sold: Hendon synagogue fetches more than £6 million

Hendon Reform's former premises have been bought by an Orthodox educational institution

August 4, 2017 09:34
Hendon Reform.jpg
1 min read

The building of the recently closed Hendon Reform Synagogue has been purchased for in excess of £6 million by a strictly Orthodox boys’ school following the congregation’s merger with Edgware and District Reform Synagogue last month.

Philip Bright, who chaired the Hendon congregation, expressed “delight that it has gone to a Jewish educational organisation”.

Mr Bright added that the purchaser’s preference had been not to disclose the institution’s identity.

But according to an Orthodox community source, it is Talmud Torah Tiferes Shlomoh, an independent Chasidic school operating currently in Golders Green. No one from the school was available for comment.

Mr Bright was unsurprised that the property had sold quickly. “It’s a prime site in a prime location and it’s a great building.”

He envisaged that some of the proceeds would be invested in what is now the Edgware and Hendon Reform Synagogue site at Stonegrove in Edgware.

“Eventually, we’ll need to do some kind of renovation and upgrading of Stonegrove. And we want to incorporate our beautiful stained glass windows that we’ve taken from Hendon.”