
Scottish project will enable hybrid events to continue beyond pandemic

Jewish Scotland Connected will help community members - and those living further afield - to stay involved in activities

October 15, 2021 09:41
1 min read

Scottish Jews will continue to reap the benefits of online activities once physical gatherings resume through a two-year programme being run through the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities.

Supported by a generous grant, Jewish Scotland Connected will provide training, equipment and technical support to synagogues and Jewish cultural institutions north of the border.

Its first event will see Mia Hasenson-Gross, executive director of human rights group Rene Cassin, discussing China’s repression of the Uyghur community for Edinburgh Jewish Cultural Centre, with the option of in-person or online attendance.

The talk would be “properly hybrid”, said the project’s programme manager, Mike Beral.

“It’s the first occasion for which they will have people in the room and people attending from home — and in this case, the guest speaker will also be remote.”

A key factor behind the success of hybrid events during the pandemic had been that “people who are geographically distant can still participate”, instilling a greater sense of belonging. Online involvement was also important to those who were unwell or had childcare or transport issues.

“While the Scottish community is mainly based in Glasgow and Edinburgh, there are Jews all round Scotland,” Mr Beral pointed out.

In addition, with hybrid provision, “events are no longer limited to Scotland and can attract an audience from further afield”.

Equipment will be shared across the country, with training videos available.

Training will be provided in person in Glasgow and Edinburgh, with travel costs covered for those living in other parts of Scotland.

Mr Beral brings to the project long experience of working with communal organisations, including a number of roles at The Liberal Synagogue Elstree.

After a career in IT, he started using his videography skills to support a number of charities and has developed and delivered hybrid events for several London communities.